Terms and Conditions


These Booking Conditions not only form the basis of the contract between you and SJourney Luxury Trains but also include our privacy policy. If you book your holiday through our website, our Terms of Use will apply. Additionally, any other written information we provide before confirming your booking will be considered to ensure you have a clear understand clearlyfident when embarking on your journey.


To book, please contact [email protected]  or call +84 (0) 97 5119466.

Upon written request via email and subject to availability, we will PROVISIONALLY book your place on the chosen date. Space is allocated and held BUT if another client requires a definite cabin, the holding agent/guest will be asked to confirm with a deposit payment or release the cabin. Upon written confirmation via email and a completed Reservation Form, confirmation details and a proforma invoice will be sent.

Upon receipt of the relevant payment the booking will be CONFIRMED, and a confirmation invoice will be sent. On confirmation of a reservation, our Terms & Conditions will be deemed to have been accepted and will be strictly adhered to.


Cancellation of a confirmed booking received before departure is subject to a fee of the per-person tour price. See Terms & Conditions. Cancellation insurance is compulsory as these fees will not be waived. We offer insurance to Vietnamese residents. For international guests, we suggest you contact your local insurance agent for assistance. Please bring a copy of your travel insurance policy clearly stating the company, policy number, and 24-hour medical emergency telephone number.


Payment can be made via bank transfer or credit card. Details are provided at the time of booking. 

Due to the high cost of credit card charges in Vietnam, we prefer that all clients pay via bank transfer. Please reference the payment with your full booking reference number and email proof. We are a private Vietnamese company and reserve the right to charge/refund in VND. As legally required, refunds are processed into the same account from which the initial payment was received.

All credit card payments for all journeys are processed/refunded in VND. SJourney is not liable for any loss in currency due to rate of exchange fluctuations.


  • Arrangements for our tours are made many months in advance and occasionally changes may have to be made (including but not limited to the cancellation and/or substitution of guest speakers) and we reserve the right to do so at any time. Most of these changes will be insignificant (e.g. a modified service of carriages attached to a regular service train) and we will advise you or your travel agent of them as soon as possible.
  • Changes: If we make an insignificant change to your holiday, we will make reasonable efforts to inform you or your travel agent as soon as reasonably possible if there is time before your departure but we will have no liability to you. Examples of insignificant changes include alteration of your outward/ return flight by less than 12 hours, changes to aircraft type, changes of accommodation to another to the same or higher standard, and changes of carriers. Please note that carriers such as airlines used in the brochure may be subject to change.
  • Due to changes in airline schedules or other operating reasons after our tours are booked, it is sometimes necessary to change the airline, airport, or aircraft notified to you or your travel agent. Any changes to the actual airline after you have received your tickets will be notified to you as soon as possible and in all cases at check-in or the boarding gate. Such a change is deemed to be an insignificant change and the provisions of clause 4.1 (as appropriate) shall apply. 4.4 If we have to make a significant change, we will tell you as soon as possible and if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of i) Accepting the changed arrangements; or ii) having a refund of all monies paid; or iii) if available and where we offer one, accepting an offer of an alternative holiday (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value
  • If we have to make a significant change, we will tell you as soon as possible and if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of i) Accepting the changed arrangements; or ii) having a refund of all monies paid; or iii) if available and where we offer one, accepting an offer of an alternative holiday (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value).


  • On rail tours that include haulage by specific locomotives, travel in specific carriages, or on specific lines, whilst every effort will be made to ensure that these features are provided as advertised, there can be occasions when, for reasons outside of our control, the specific features cannot be provided. In this situation, we will endeavour to provide alternative traction, accommodations, or routing such as the circumstances allow. If we cannot make suitable alternative arrangements or if you refuse to accept these for good reason, we will arrange to transport you back to your tour departure point or to the point our contracted services commence as soon as we reasonably can.
  • However, we and our agents at all times reserve the right to make such substitutions about aspects of the tour for mechanical, operating or other matters required for reasons beyond our reasonable control (such as any war or terrorist activities (threatened or actual), riot, civil unrest, closure of airports, industrial action (threatened or actual), political conditions, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, changes to or cancellation of air, river, sea or rail services or any other events outside our reasonable control).
  • We reserve the right on occasions (at our sole discretion), due to effective load management procedures on the train, to provide cabin upgrades for selected passengers without additional charge. Such cabin upgrades are not guaranteed, cannot be requested, and may only be notified on the first day of the tour.
  • We and our agents at all times reserve the right, without liability to you, to cancel and or amend any programme of guest speakers without notice to you and this shall always be a minor change. For the avoidance of doubt, you shall not be entitled to cancel your tour and or any refund of monies paid by you, due to the cancellation and or amendment to a program of guest speakers. If you cancel your tour due to such reasons, the cancellation charges shall apply. 
  •  If we become unable to provide a significant proportion of the arrangements that you have booked with us after you have departed, we will, if possible, make alternative arrangements for you at no extra charge and where those alternative arrangements are of a lower standard, provide you with an appropriate price reduction


SJourney is solely reliant on the traction and railway services provided by Vietnam’s national railway. Our hands are regrettably tied when these services fail, be they due to locomotives, signals, overhead power-cable damage and/or theft, vandalism, electricity outages, railway tracks, or any other issue. Delays can occur due to our reliance on these national organizations. SJourney is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any delays or changes in tour arrangements that may be caused by natural or other factors beyond the control of SJourney. SJourney reserves the right to cancel or amend our route, any excursions, and the tour departure dates provided we can offer the passenger alternative excursions or departure dates. SJourney cannot guarantee excursions or departure and arrival times. Our obligation to transport guests from departure to arrival points on schedule will override any commitment to excursions although we will endeavour to carry out all the off-train experiences. We strongly caution against same-day air travel on departure/arrival days due to possible delays with flights or the train. 


The holiday package by train does not include airfares unless otherwise stated. All airfares are subject to availability and airline conditions apply. Our consultant may assist you in booking an appropriate flight or other service whenever possible that does not form part of a journey or (package) tour contract with us. You may book flights via any travel agent. We are not responsible and liable for any flight bookings flight amendments or consequences that arise through amendments or cancellation of flights by the supplier. Full details and conditions may be obtained from our reservation consultant or your travel agent regarding your flight booking. You must ensure your flight details are provided to us on time (see detailed Passenger Information section below). If You miss a flight or any other pre-booked transfer you will be responsible for making your way to the journey/(package) tour departure point, at guest’s own expense. Unless expressly stated in the itinerary, airport transfers may be group transfers scheduled to coincide with multiple flight arrival and departure times. Private transfers can be arranged at separate costs with the service provider and do not form part of the journey or (package) tour contract. Private transfers are not available in all locations. Please inquire about further details.


In the unlikely event that you do have a problem during your trip, please inform the train management immediately, who will endeavor to put things right. If you suffer any loss or damage to your luggage, please inform us immediately. If your complaint is not resolved locally and you wish to complain further, please send formal written notice of your complaint to SJourney ’s head office within 28 days of the end of your trip (giving your booking reference and all other relevant information). Failure to do so will affect our ability to investigate your complaint and could affect your rights under these conditions.


Except where otherwise expressly stated in these conditions, we will not be liable or pay compensation if our contractual obligations are affected by any event which we or the supplier(s) of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. These events can include but are not limited to, war, terrorism, the threat of war, civil strife, fire, flood, or any other extreme weather conditions, and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, labor difficulties, the act of any government or other national or local authority including industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, chemical or biological disaster, adverse weather, sea, air, ice and river conditions, loss of power, epidemics or pandemics, inability to obtain any necessary license or consent and delays caused by subcontractors and all similar events beyond our or the supplier(s) concerned control.

In the case of a Force Majeure which makes it impossible or prevents fulfilling the booking contract at the time of travel or within a reasonable period before the travel date, the booking contract may be terminated by either party. Such an event also requires the existence of official announcements by national or international authorities (for example the issuing of travel warnings, declarations of risk, or [partial] state of emergency) at the time of travel, within a reasonable timeline before the travel date or ceases to exist. In such an event SJourney will issue a future credit equal to the amount you paid us (less any non-refundable third-party cost if any). Please note that you will not be entitled to a cash refund. Travel agents or resellers who book on behalf of a guest and have not paid us cancellation charges if any, when terminating a booking contract due to Force Majeure, will not be offered a refund in the form of a future credit unless open charges have been balanced in return.


SJourney provides safekeeping for valuables aboard a train and encourages passengers to deposit any jewelry or other valuables brought aboard the train in the provided in-room safety box. SJourney shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to money, jewelry, precious stones, securities, financial instruments, tickets, or other valuables unless stored in in-room safety boxes. The value of articles shall not exceed 500 USD unless SJourney agrees in writing to a higher value for the articles. Items exceeding the limit of 500 USD must be handed to the train’s management for safekeeping and a receipt shall be issued. Settlements of reimbursable claims for lost belongings will be made based on actual cash value (replacement cost less depreciation). Settlements of reimbursable claims for damaged items will be based on the cost of repair or actual cash value, whichever is less. No amount shall be paid in settlement of any claim without proof of the actual cash value or repair cost as appropriate arising from the loss or damage. Such proof must be sent to SJourney in writing and SJourney ’s liability must be proven before any settlement will be paid. SJourney shall have no liability for loss or damage to baggage or personal effects. Personal belongings lost while unattended in public lounges or other public areas, whether on board the train or elsewhere, are not reimbursable. Losses due to ordinary wear and tear, perils of the journey, and other acts of God are not reimbursable.


You must have valid travel documents including a valid booking confirmation before starting your journey or (package) tour or boarding a train , issued by SJourney or by any third party you booked your journey with and SJourney has issued valid travel documents to. Travel documents are only valid for the dates, routes and used only with details shown on the travel document(s). Travel documents are not transferable (other than as expressly permitted by any agreement through third parties). Travel documents bearing unauthorized alterations are not valid for travel. Travel documents remain the property of the carrier and if you fail in any material respect to comply with any condition (including but not limited to these conditions) governing its use, your travel document may be withdrawn or invalidated and you are required to pay the full fare. There may be an administration charge for replacing any lost or damaged travel documents. Before commencing your journey ensure you have all received the latest and actual travel documents from us or any third party which include your booking confirmation and all relevant up-to-date travel documents such as itineraries, embarkation information, inclusions, exclusions, etc. which are available on SJourney ’s website and apply at the time of boarding.


If you make a break during the carriage other than as permitted, you shall not be entitled to onward carriage to a refund or any other compensation from us.


If you or any member of your party has any medical condition or disability that may affect your trip, please provide us with full details before booking confirmation so that SJourney can advise as to the suitability of any chosen arrangements. Acting reasonably, if we are unable to appropriately accommodate the needs of the person(s) concerned, we will not confirm your booking or if you did not give us full details at the time of booking, we reserve the right to cancel the booking and impose applicable cancellation charges when we become aware of these details. If your fitness to travel may be in doubt as a result of recent illness, surgery, injury, medical treatment, or an existing medical condition that may require treatment or assistance on board (including but not limited to additional oxygen, wheelchairs, assistance to use the bathrooms, assistance to get in or out of bed, medication administered via a needle other than well-managed diabetes) you must provide us with an up-to-date certificate from your doctor no later than 5 days before departure certifying that you are fit to travel and be accompanied by another passenger who can provide you with all the appropriate assistance you may need. We may refuse carriage (and no refund or compensation shall be paid) if you have not provided the applicable certificate and/or are not accompanied by a suitable escorting person.


No doctors or nurses are employed by SJourney on a train. If a passenger requires medical attention during the trip, medical services will be provided at local facilities. Passengers shall be responsible for all costs and expenses of medical services, treatment, and medications. SJourney shall have no liability whatsoever for any costs incurred in connection with medical services, or for the quality of care Passenger receives. Passenger consents to treatment by medical professionals designated by SJourney, if the passenger is unable to request or authorize medical treatment and, in the opinion of the Train  Manager, medical attention is necessary, solely at the expense of the passenger and without liability to SJourney.


SJourney does not discriminate against persons based on disability. SJourney is unable to accommodate women past their sixth month of pregnancy. Passengers with mobility impairments must be accompanied by someone who can assist passengers, on land and board the train, and is responsible for providing passengers with all necessary aid and facilities. If any such condition arises after the journey is booked, the passenger is required to advise SJourney in writing immediately. SJourney trains are not handicapped accessible. SJourney and all personnel aboard the train shall have no liability to passengers relating to such condition or its treatment.


Passengers must be fully insured to cover any risk of medical expenses and repatriation (which includes remains) and SJourney is in no way responsible for such liabilities. We strongly recommend passengers purchase travel insurance to also cover any risk of unforeseen cancellation charges.


It is your responsibility to check and fulfill the passport, visa, health (including vaccinations, vaccination certificate requirements, and anti-malarial medication), and immigration requirements applicable to your travel itinerary. You must check the requirements for your specific circumstances with the relevant embassies and/or consulates and your doctor as applicable. Requirements do change and you must check the up-to-date position in good time before departure. We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any passport, visa, immigration requirements, or health formalities. You agree to reimburse us on demand for any fines or other losses that we incur because you fail to comply with any passport, visa, immigration requirements, or health formalities.

 Passenger Information and Data Protection

To process your booking, you will need to provide us with personal information. We will need to provide your personal information to service providers, as well as customs and immigration authorities. We may also provide personal information to security and credit-checking organizations. Some of the people to whom we provide your personal information are in countries that may not provide the same level of protection as in your country of residence. By making a booking you give us your consent to use and disclose personal information.

SJourney requests the submission of personal details (at least) of the leading traveling guests upon receipt of the booking confirmation. Travel agents must provide this information on behalf of the passenger. If the booker fails to provide the requested information, SJourney reserves the right to withdraw the confirmation without any obligation. We request you to provide full details of all traveling guests 14 days before arrival at the destination or starting date of a tour or journey booked with us. We shall have the right to inspect your passport, visa, and travel documents to ensure that you fulfill all requirements for any country in or through which your trip is to take place. If you or the travel agent making the booking on your behalf are unable to fulfill any such requirements, fail to comply with these requirements, or fail to submit required travel documents at the requested timelines, we reserve the right to apply a reasonable service charge or may refuse guests’ boarding with full cancellation charge with no further liability.


Animals and livestock are not allowed on board and will not be carried on any train.


These Booking Conditions and any agreement to which they apply are governed in all respects by English law. We both agree that any dispute, claim, or other matter which arises between us out of or in connection with your contract or booking will be dealt with by the Courts of England and Wales only. You may, however, choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you live in those places and if you wish to do so

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If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. SJourney is always ready to assist you with anything you need. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Contact us